baby is now 6 months old, time really really flies. Six months ago, there I was fighting days and nights with my contraction (almost 3 days) prior to giving birth. Now that I have gone through that amazing experience in my life (and most probably will go through it again..oopss I guess I drop a hint there..but not too soon I hope) I have to say that the actual moment of giving birth itself is not that bad compared to that 3 miserable days. It is strange now six months on, eventhough it was as painfull as hell as I was not given any epidural or anesthetic, I don't really remember what the exact pain like or relate to apart from the post birth moment when I was being stitched up by the doctor where it felt like somebody is piercing you through and sewing you with an old sewing machine and I could still hear its gritty sound. But that 3 days, I tell you was the worst pain I have ever gone through, and memorable perhaps because I can always relate it to a period pain only 1000% worse.
Anyway, that was 6 months ago and now look at my beautiful bundle of joy. Despite all the challenging moments being a first time mommy with all the sleep deprivation plus don't know what to expect as well as being far from my own mommy which of course would have been very handy in times of panic baby moment..speaking of panic moment I remember when Mya was only 1 day old and we were still at the hospital. I was breastfeeding her and suddenly she puked with a yellowish discharge came out from her tiny mouth. That scared the shit out of me...later the midwife explained that the discharge was actually a mucus that she swallowed when she was still inside my tummy and she must have swallowed it when making her way out during birth. The more she vomitted the better according to the midwife so that the mucus can be flushed out of her system. I was so relieved. I could go on and on and on about more panic moments but I think I better blog about them later as my intention today is to post some of Mya's photos to mark her 6 months old. Oh yeah despite all these challenging moments I would not want it any other way.
She is my world now and I know I will always love her. Having her makes my life more meaningful than just handbags and shoessss.....hehe...She makes me smile every day and she never fails to give her mommy and daddy a big fat cheeky sweet smile whenever she was greeted every morning. She is so super duper cute and she simply makes her mommy's & daddy's life more colourful. Now lets see her pics and see how much she has grown...

1 day old..17th August 2007.. a princess was born.

1 week old..she was so tiny.

2 weeks old..getting ready for her very first bath...look at her arms, she still has her vernix caseosa, a white coating which protects her skin from the constant exposure to amniotic fluid while in the womb.

Still on first bath..

3 weeks old...sleeping in her moses basket..

Another pose at 3 weeks..tried to pull a funny face eh..

1 month her cosy car seat.
6 weeks to arnie..

7 weeks old..she was a baldy...this was after her daddy shaved her head..

9 weeks old...botak girl eh...

9 weeks plus... mommy loves this smiley face..

10 weeks old..was that your dance move?

Another shot at 10 weeks..hehe mommy loves this face..mulut ngaga..wonder ikut sape?..
15 weeks old...just the cutest indeed..

17 weeks old..with daddy at the clinic on her third primary immunisation.

3 months old..oh happy face.

4 months plus..during last Christmas party..Mya fell asleep while waiting for guests to arrive....tidur pun frowning eh..

4 months pluss....seriusnye amoi ni..

5 months old...look at that chubby cheeks..

5 months plus....playing with her daddy.

And this is her today taken this morning, 6 months on..

6 months old....muahhhsss my little darling!!!!!.
Mommy & daddy love you so muchhhhh...
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