Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Ain't she sweet

Mya age 2 plus 2 months. Recently taken with Roundhay Lake as the background.
I have made this as my wall paper in my desktop at work, and will no doubt put a constant smile in my face .
Picture courtesy of the other half.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


"Mommy, I want lollipop." This was what she said to me when I was about to leave for work this morning. And I promised her I would buy one when I get back.

For a 2 year old, I think she is quite a talker. She likes to echo everything I said. Like this morning when we were still in bed, I was asking her daddy what time was it and she quickly followed saying "What time is it daddy?" but in half asleep state.

Last weekend, we were browsing in the shops and I was just right behind her. And I heard her asking some strangers very enthusiastically, "Where's my mommy gone? Where's my daddy gone?". And of course the strangers politely obliged directing her to me. And she said in reply "Owh..." with a cheeky smile.

Her funny little sayings and expressions are endless source of delight to me. Among her favourite questions to entertain her curious mind are "Mommy, what's happening?" "Mommy, what have you got there?" "Mommy, what are you talking about?" Quite a busy body eh...

She seems to take the word 'NO' as a complete opposite meaning. Though sometime she can be really nice and understanding. But most of the time, it was also quite a challenge to tell her what not to do. Or what she should be doing. Sometime in my attempt to get her to do something say for example to finish up her meal, I would promise her that we can go to the park only after she has eaten her meal. Though I know, making promises or rewards like these are not really good practice.

I am doing my best to make her life full of love, laughter and wonderful times. And yes there are difficult moments when she wants to be independent and grown up one minute, and a baby the next. And I do really want to enjoy this phase of her life as I know these toddler years will be over all too quickly and I just don't want to feel real regret when school days begin.

Now I better remind myself to buy that lollipop I promised.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Her favourite place in town

She has been begging us since the day before and she kept saying with all her cuteness "Mommy, I want to go to town, pleaseeeeee..."
We finally went on Sunday and after almost 2 hours walking around various shops, we stopped by at her most favourite place, the book shop. And she just loves this place, never got enough of it and after an hour it wasn't easy to persuade her to leave. But we somehow did, though not without her crying scene and she gave in only because she was hungry and wanted something to eat.
That's my little darling

What are you reading darling?..

She is just 2. And she can (pretend to) read!...

Friday, 2 October 2009

Belated 2nd Birthday

A rather late entry but better than never. She turned two about six weeks ago and the celebration was modest. Being a happy kiddo as she is, she just brings me a whole different meaning of happiness.
My precious sweetness in life. I thank God everyday for blessing my life with such a pure, sweet innocent child. I pray everyday that God watches you day and night, keep you and protect you from any harm. My sweet beautiful child, mommy loves you soooooooo much!.....