Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

MMR jab

Poor Mya... 
This morning she woke up all cranky with flushed cheeks and her body temperature was slightly higher. She had her MMR jab last Thursday and now, three days later it finally kicking in. Normally she was doing very well on all her previous immunisation jabs with no post-injection fever but not this time. When I picked her up early this morning her body was weak and floppy. Hopefully the Calprofen will ease the pain a bit. When I left for work she was back in bed, sleeping in her daddy’s arm. Bless my child…

She now has also started to call me mommieeee (but she pronounced it mieeee...mieee....) and to hear that every time makes my heart melts.

Be strong my darling…this will pass and soon we can dance again.