I lost count on how many times have I purchased a piece of clothing and then have it returned to store shortly after either for a size changed or refund. The common and obvious reasons are 'sorry...its not the right size', 'too small for my bumps' etc...
As much I am so in denial that I am now a lot heavier and much bigger than I used to be I realise I have to wake up to this reality. Hanging on to my old clothes is no good so I have now packed up most of my size 8/10 tops and blouses, petite work trousers and jeans and have made arrangement to hand them over to my two much slender sisters. Which means I now would have to completely overhaul my wardrobe but then again I do not want to stay in this size forever so I guess I will still keep that pair of a size 8 skinny jeans as an incentive to get back to my glorious days.
The total culprit behind all this is me, myself and me again. Having family around really does something to the appetite but this is not an excuse to over eat. The merrier the dining table is, the lesser is the care about how much food you gobble. Since May this year I have been eating like a pig at every opportunity, so go figure…
I have also stopped breastfeeding completely so I guess that has also contributed to my high and alarming rate of weight gaining and waist expanding.
The in-laws will be leaving soon, I will surely miss the home cooked food. But above all, it’s their company that will be missed most….